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Automatic Colony counter Scan® 300, 500 and 1200

    Scan® 300 is an automatic colony counter that includes the essential features for Petri dish counting. It is specifically adapted to the usual media in food microbiology (PCA, MRS...). With a CCD camera with 1 Megapixel - zoom x 28. It counts colonies on a Petri dish in less than half a second, with a minimum colony size of 0.1 mm. For the detection of colonies on round pour, surface, spiral and circle mode plated dishes Ø 55 - 90 mm.

    Scan® 500 is a high-tech automatic colony counter. It counts colonies on a Petri dish in less than half a second and gives you quick, accurate, complete and traceable reading of the results. With its CCD camera and a powerful software, it connects to a PC via a Firewire connection automatically export results to Excel.

    Scan® 1200 is a high resolution automatic colony counter that offer quick, and traceable counting results. Widely used in food microbiology, it counts colonies and automatically saves all data to Excel. Equiped with a digital camera and a powerful software, it connects to a PC via a Firewire connection. Scan® 1200 counts all colonies, even on smallest poured, spread and Spiral® Petri dishes; on PetriFilm™ and RIDA™ Count/Sanita-kun™, on filtration membrane and Compact Dry™.

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