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DissoClean Mark II Automated Drainage DCM2-CE1 Uniflex

DissoClean Mark II Automated Drainage DCM2-CE1 Uniflex


Utilizing the drainage pumps waste in the waste tank is drained into a sink or drainage area using a hose that can be of any length. By automating the evacuation of the waste tank using the DissoClean pumps, the process is faster and cleaner. Main Features:
- Approx. 1 minute to clean 6 vessels
- In-place vessel clean-up: cleans 6 vessels in just 1 minute
- Repositioning validation no longer required
- 3-nozzle washer assembly
- Adjust for in-line or right angle use
- Nozzles operate simultaneously or independently
- Electronically Controlled Wash/Drain Cycle Operate Nozzles Simultaneously or Individually
- Fits All Tester Vessels Regardless of Manufacturer
- Quick Release Connectors
- Fully Mobile

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