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Home > Laboratory > Life Sciences > Proteomics > Elisa > Lids for 96-well and 384-well Plates > Thermo Cover for MicroWell Plates Ps 128 x 86mm 264122

Thermo Cover for MicroWell Plates Ps 128 x 86mm 264122

Thermo Cover for MicroWell Plates Ps 128 x 86mm 264122

PART NO: 4AJ-9407481
Price: €86.52
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 2 weeks)

Pack of 50

Lids for 96-well and 384-well Plates
Lids in various versions made of clear, strong polystyrene with notches for quick orientation. Reduce water loss due to lower evaporation. 96-well lids feature individual condensation rings.

Product Specification:
Height: 7.90mm
With: Evaporation barrier
Sterile: yes

Catalogue Number9.407 481
Manufacturer P/n264122
Fisher Ref9407481
VWR Ref734-2185
Height mm7.90
WithEvaporation barrier
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