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Dispersing Element S 50 KG-HH-G 45F IKA 8004100

PART NO: 4AJ-9570898
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 3 weeks)

Dispersing heads for T50 digital ULTRA-TURRAX®
Stainless steel dispersing heads

Product Specification:
Product Type: S 50 KG - HH - G 45 F
Diam.: rotor / stator 40.0 / 45mm
Max. immersion depth: 250mm
Working volume: 0.25 - 10 l
Ult. fineness suspensions / emulsions: 10 - 30 / 1 - 10 µm
Material: FFPM/SIC, AISI 316L

Catalogue Number9.570 898
Manufacturer P/n0008004100
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