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Brand 8-channel-Aspirator 704526

PART NO: 4AJ-9777016
Price: €11.20
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 2 weeks)

QuikSip™ BT-aspirator
This handy, manual bottle-top suction device is ideal for removing supernatant liquids e.g. culture media, from dishes, tissue culture flasks and multiwell plates or from residues after precipitation and centrifugation of proteins and nucleic acids.

-Safe removal of supernatants
-Works without a vacuum pump
-Fingertip vacuum control using using cell-cultureTM unit
-Suitable for use with disposable pipette tips, micropipettes and Pasteur pipettes
-Adapter and suction tube for the cell-culture TM unit are autoclavable (dispensing cartridge and pump unit are not autoclavable)

QuikSip™ is supplied with single channel pipetting unit for the removal of liquids from reaction vessels, test tubes, etc. An accessory 8-channel manifold is available for removing liquids from microtitre plates.

Items supplied: 1 QuikSip™ BT aspirator, 1 cell-culture™, 1 operating manual, 1 spare dispensing cartridge, 2 PP bottle-top adapters (GL 45/32 and GL 45/S40)

8 channel PP manifold. Autoclavable (121°C).

Product Specification:
Product Type: 8-channel aspiration manifold

Catalogue Number9.777 016
Manufacturer P/n704526
Fisher Ref3020893
VWR Ref613-0468
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