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Home > Laboratory > General Laboratory Consumables > Heating > Burners > Bunsen burner, portable Labogaz® 206 > Portable Bunsen Burner Labogaz 206 Campingaz 202 063

Portable Bunsen Burner Labogaz 206 Campingaz 202 063

Portable Bunsen Burner Labogaz 206 Campingaz 202 063

PART NO: 4AJ-9018510
Price: €71.42
Qty In Stock: 59

Bunsen burner Labogaz® 206
Without Gas Cartridge (order 4AJ-9018520 separately)
Weight: 380g without cartridge
Height: 200mm with cartridge
Consumption: 55g/h

Bunsen burner, portable Labogaz® 206
For operation with gas cartridge C 206 GLS (Cat.-No.: 4AJ-9018520). DVGW-authorised.
Weight: 380g without cartridge
Height: 200mm with cartridge
Consumption: 55g/h

Product Specification:
Product Type: Labogaz® 206

Field of applications: Laboratories, schools, Jewellery/Optics, handycraft work
Catalogue Number9.018 510
ManufacturerCamping Gaz
Manufacturer P/n2000020656
Alternative Ref2000020656
Carl Roth Ref0802.1
Fisher Ref9018510
VWR Ref451-2110
Gas consumption g/h55
TypeLabogaz® 206
Weight g380
Alternative Reference:2000020656
Carl Roth:0802.1
Thermo Fisher:9018510

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