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Home > Laboratory > Liquid Handling > Pipette > Pipette Balls > Rubber blowballs > Deutsch and Neumann Pipetting Ball Soft PVC Cap. 42ml 4010012

Deutsch and Neumann Pipetting Ball Soft PVC Cap. 42ml 4010012

Deutsch and Neumann Pipetting Ball Soft PVC Cap. 42ml 4010012

PART NO: 4AJ-9115450
Price: €6.33
Qty In Stock: 6

Non-rigid PVC. Red-brown, smooth. With 6 mm i.d. outlet hole.

Rubber blowballs
Non-rigid PVC. Red-brown, smooth. With 6mm i.d. outlet hole.

Product Specification:
Product Type: 3
Capacity: 42ml
Diam.: 48mm

Catalogue Number9.115 450
ManufacturerDeutsch and Neumann
Manufacturer P/n4010012
VGKL RefVG273490042
VWR Ref612-1953
Ø mm48
Capacity ml42
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