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Thermo Chamber Cover Slips Lab-Tek Ii 155360

PART NO: 4AJ-6803674
Price: €298.43
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 6 weeks)
Must be purchased in multiples of 6

1 Chamber Pc Glass Cc Lidsterile Pack Of 16
Chambered Coverglass Lab-Tek™ and Lab-Tek™ II, PS, sterile
Excellent for confocal image analysis and optimal for high power inverted microscopic viewing. Serile, CE marked.
Material: chamber: Polystyrene
Material: slide: Glass

Lab-Tek™: connection between the chamber (s) and slides from non-toxic, medical silicone.
Lab-Tek™ II: connection between the chamber (s) and slides of biocompatible acrylic adhesive.
Medium chamber is not removable.

Product Specification:
Product Type: Lab-Tek™ II
No. of chambers: 1
Material: Glass
Working volume: 2.0-4.5ml
Culture surface: 8.6 cm2

Catalogue Number6.803 674
Manufacturer P/n155360
Fisher Ref155360050
VWR Ref734-2055
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