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Home > Laboratory > Occupational Safety > Waste Disposal > Waste Bins > Mercury collector > Mercury Collector Laboplast Burkle 9789-0001

Mercury Collector Laboplast Burkle 9789-0001

Mercury Collector Laboplast Burkle 9789-0001

PART NO: 4AJ-7300223
Price: €30.15
Qty In Stock: 9

Mercury collector
Bürkle's mercury collector enables the easy collection of spilt mercury, which can then be used again. The mercury collector is composed of a PE tub. Within the screw cap lid there is a special plastic foam insert. On pressing this foam gently on the spilt mercury, the foam's pores are opened and the mercury globules are absorbed. When raised, the foam's pores are sealed again, thus keeping hold of the mercury. The cap is then screwed on the tub, the globules are released again and fall through the perforated separation into the tub.

Product Specification:
Product Description: Mercury collector

Catalogue Number7.300 223
Manufacturer P/n9789-0001
Fisher Ref8070000
VWR RefBURK9789-0001
DescriptionMercury collector
Thermo Fisher:8070000
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