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Eppendorf Smartblock Pcr 384 5307000000

PART NO: 4AJ-9776916
Price: €825.00
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 2 weeks)

Thermoblock For Pcr Plates 384 Incl.Lid
Exchangeable blocks Eppendorf SmartBlocks™ and accessories for Eppendorf ThemoMixer™ C and ThermoStat C
Exchangeable blocks:
Flexibility has never been this easy. Eppendorf offers a variety of SmartBlocks™ for tubes from 5ml to 50ml.
-Fast and simple block exchange due to Eppendorf Quick Release
-Optimized block design guarantees maximum temperature transfer to the sample

Transfer Racks:
-Autoclavable transport aid for tubes from 0.5 to 2.0ml
-For transferring up to 24 tubes in / from the heating block at the same time
-Offers protection against burns when transferring hot samples

Product Specification:
Part Type: Eppendorf SmartBlock™ PCR 384
Description: PCR plates 384, incl. lid

Catalogue Number9.776 916
Manufacturer P/n5307000000
VWR RefEPPE5307000.000
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