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Home > Chromatography > SPE > CHROMABOND® Drug > Macherey-Nagel CHROMABOND Columns Drug 730168

Macherey-Nagel CHROMABOND Columns Drug 730168

Macherey-Nagel CHROMABOND Columns Drug 730168

PART NO: 4AJ-6802715
Price: €183.00
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 2 weeks)

volume: 3 ml, content of sorbent: 200 mg,

PP, with PE-filterelements pack of 50

Special silica phase for SPE enrichment of drugs from urine or plasma

Base material silica, pore size 60Å, particle size 45µm, specific surface 500m2/g, pH stability 2 to 8, special bifunctional modification - C8/SA (strong cation exchanger - benzenesulphonic acid).

Recommended application: enrichment of acidic, neutral and basic drugs from urine or plasma.

Product Specification:
Capacity: 3 ml
Capacity: 200 mg

Catalogue Number6.802 715
Manufacturer P/n730168
VWR RefMANA730168
Capacity mg200
Volume ml3

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