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Home > Environmental > Sample Analysis > Elemental Analysis > Cells W680 > The Tintometer Cuvette W680/OG Series Fused 606810

The Tintometer Cuvette W680/OG Series Fused 606810

The Tintometer Cuvette W680/OG Series Fused 606810

PART NO: 4AJ-9600781
Price: €35.50

10mm path length

Optical glass

Cells W680
Cells made of optical glass 17mm x 75mm, for Comparator 2000+ and Comparator 3000 using unheated samples (up to 40 °C).

Further versions available on request.

Product Specification:
Product Type: WG/OG/10
Path length: 10mm

Catalogue Number9.600 781
ManufacturerThe Tintometer
Manufacturer P/n606810
VWR Ref705-0402
Path length mm10
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