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Home > Laboratory > Sample Preparation > Grinding > Mills > Sieves for Microfine grinder MF10 basic > IKA MF 0.5 Sieve Hole Size Diam. 0.5mm

IKA MF 0.5 Sieve Hole Size Diam. 0.5mm

IKA MF 0.5 Sieve Hole Size Diam. 0.5mm

PART NO: 4AJ-9737784
Price: €401.00
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 2 weeks)

Interchangeable sieve for insertion into the grinding heads ensures maximum particle size filtering

Accessories for microfine grinder MF10 basic, for in-line processes

Product Specification:
Part Type: MF 0.5
Description: Sieve

Catalogue Number9.737 784
Manufacturer P/n0002939000
TypeMF 0.5
Aperture size mm0.5
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