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Home > Environmental > Sample Analysis > Photometer > Tube tests NANOCOLOR® Ethanol > Macherey-Nagel NANOCOLOR Ethanol 1000 985838

Macherey-Nagel NANOCOLOR Ethanol 1000 985838

Macherey-Nagel NANOCOLOR Ethanol 1000 985838

PART NO: 4AJ-6229439
Price: €174.00
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 2 weeks)

Tube test with Barcode
pack of 23 tests

Tube tests NANOCOLOR® Part 1
Using NANOCOLOR® bar coded test tubes, the measurement is automatically performed after inserting the cuvette into the cuvette slot. The contact with any dangerous chemicals is avoided because the measurement is performed directly in the test tube. This guarantees a maximum safety for the user.

Product Specification:
Product Type: Ethanol 1000
Measuring range: 0.10 - 1.00 g/l EtOH 0.013 - 0.130 Vol. % EtOH

Catalogue Number6.229 439
Manufacturer P/n985838
VWR RefMANA985838
Measuring range0,10 - 1,00 g/l EtOH
0,013 - 0,130 Vol. % EtOH
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