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2Mag Control Unit MixControl 20 90200

PART NO: 4AJ-9645970
Price: €734.00
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 2 weeks)

For stirring drive MIXdrive
Control units for mixers MIXdrive
MIXcontrol eco: Prize-optimized control unit, speed setting and ON/OFF by turning knot.
MIXcontrol 20: Stainless steel housing, digital speed display, 4-step power setting, 20watts.
MIXcontrol 40: Identical to MIXcontrol 20, but 10-step power setting, 40watts, 2 sockets for MIXdrive stirres.

Product Specification:
Product Type: MIXcontrol 20
Rotation speed: 100 - 1600 rpm
Dimensions (W x D x H): 200 x 155 x 38mm
Rating: 20 W
Weight: 1.4 kg

Catalogue Number9.645 970
Manufacturer P/n90200
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