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Tools for Optimising Bioreactor Production for Shortening Vaccine Development Timelines

By Emma Foster on Mon 28 June 2021

Here are five underutilised ways to optimise the bioreactor yields, shorten timelines for scaling processes and producing biologic or antibody treatments.

Using Fewer Flow Controllers for Increased Redundancy in Bioreactor Systems

By Emma Foster on Mon 28 June 2021

Redundancy in bioreactor systems can be built to enhance the reliability and availability when the uptime is crucial. This redundancy in bioreactor systems leads to more uninterrupted hours to development and production of biologics; and when issues inevitably appear, redundant systems are able to compensate with minimal disruption to the process. Find out more about redundancy in bioreactor systems.

Calibration and Measurement for Ammonia Ion Selective Electrode in the Lab

By Emma Foster on Mon 28 June 2021

The measurement of ammonia is vital in applications such as wastewater, where the wastewater treatment plants are required to provide a laboratory measurement of ammonia concentration. The ammonia gas-sensing ion selective electrode (ISE) is an EPA approved method of determining ammonia concentration for compliance reporting. Learn more about Calibration and Measurement for Ammonia ISE in the lab.

Which is Better - Manual or Automated Titration?

By Emma Foster on Tue 25 May 2021

Just 40% of labs use automated titration currently and if automation has been constantly shown to be the superior solution. Find out which is the best solution for your lab, manual or automated titration.

Want to Upgrade Your Analytical Instruments?

By Emma Foster on Fri 14 May 2021

Get the best offer when trading in your old analytical instruments. If you trade in any brand of meter, you will receive a massive 10% off a new WTW Meter.

Improving Polystyrene Production with Continuous Flow Chemistry

By Emma Foster on Thu 08 April 2021

Chemists are searching for new approaches to increase the quality of polystyrene production, from increasing efficiency to lowering costs and waste, and continuous flow polymerization may well be the solution. Moving to small tubes and glass microreactor chips instead of switching to a larger-scale bulk process to increase efficiency may seem counter-intuitive, but the additional control that researchers are gaining with lab scale flow chemistry equipment offers a convincing reason to change your mind about scale up.

The Rise of Biocatalysis in Continuous Flow Chemistry

By Emma Foster on Thu 08 April 2021

Continuous Flow Biocatalysis is quickly gaining traction among chemists, with applications in the production of fine chemicals, drugs, biotherapeutics, and biofuels to name a few. This is reflected in the increased knowledge of these techniques in industry and academia, as well as the implementation of flow techniques in modern laboratories. So, why should you perform continuous flow biocatalysis?

Continuous Flow Microreactors in Nanoparticle Synthesis

By Emma Foster on Thu 08 April 2021

Organic synthesis has been the main priority of all studies carried out on flow chemistry equipment, and the benefits and reasons to perform flow chemistry are now well known and recorded. It is worth noting that these advantages can also be extended to other fields such as biofuels, petrochemistry, and nanoparticle synthesis.

Electrochemistry Made Easy with Continuous Flow Chemistry Techniques

By Emma Foster on Thu 08 April 2021

Even though electrochemistry offers tremendous benefits to synthetic organic chemists, it is rarely used in modern labs because of the lack of suitable equipment that enables non-electrochemists to perform this chemistry in a ‘convenient’ manner. Therefore, chemists will need an easier, more user-friendly way to access this technique for it to become more widely accepted as a routine procedure.

Solid Phase Catalysis in Continuous Flow Chemistry

By Emma Foster on Thu 08 April 2021

A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being used up in the reaction, enabling it to be recycled during the process. In continuous flow chemistry, a catalyst is often inserted in a packed bed reactor, and the reaction mixture is pushed thought the reactor using suitable pumping systems.

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