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The BioFix® Lumi-10 is a portable luminometer for the measurement of biological and chemical luminescence reactions with relatively constant light emission. As a mobile test system with a high sensitive detector (Ultra Fast Single Photon Counter) the BioFix® Lumi-10 is suitable for a wide range of applications.

Main Features

- Battery and mains operable;

- High-resolution graphic display

- User language German or English

- Serial 9 PIN RS 232 interface for selective data transfer to a standard PC

- Variable measurement times in order to obtain optimum results even in case of weak luminescence

- Data memory for up to 2000 test results

- Selective data administration (calling/deleting) by means of the location identification digit, sample number, date, time parameters

- 6 individual programme places for user-defined measuring programmes

- Classification of test results by means of previously defined thresholds

- Variable test methods: Implementation of luminous bacteria toxicity - tests only with the analysis of the final light intensity of the tests; Implementation of luminous bacteria toxicity - tests with the analysis of initial and final light intensity; Evaluation of luminescence tests (e.g. ATP tests, Reporter gene assays) with respect to relative light units (RLU).

Modern, flexible and very user friendly, this Luminometer has a wide range of applications: Environmental analysis/ecological toxicology- acute and chronic luminous bacteria tests; Hygiene monitoring - ATP and biomass analysis; Molecular biological and biochemical diagnostics - Reporter gene assays, NADP(H)-measurements, DNA probe assays, luminescence immunoassays.

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