PCR tubes, 0.2ml and 0.5ml, thin-walled
Polypropylene tubes for PCR experiments
Product characteristics of 0.2ml PCR tube:
- Contamination shield on attached lid
- Defined lid position (90°) due to special hinge
- Highly transparent
- Tight sealing
- Easy to open
- Can be used in all thermal cyclers with 0.2ml block format
- Certified being free from human DNA, DNase, RNase and PCR inhibitor
Product features of thin-walled 0.5ml PCR tube: - frosted writing surface
- Autoclavable when open (at 121°C for 20 mins.)
- Highly transparent
- Easy to open
- Can be used in Mastercyclers with 0.5ml block format
- Certified being free from human DNA, DNase, RNase and PCR inhibitor