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Comfort module:
two gas connections with quick release connectors, automatic switch-over gas cylinders (impossible in combination with O2module)
Hygiene module:
electropolished interior, seamlessly welded by laser
Communication module:
USB interface, "Celsius" standard software for the control and logging of temperature, CO2; O2 (with O2 module) and relative humidity; internal log memory 1024 kB as ring memory for all setpoint values, actual values, errors, settings with real time and date: logging approx. 3 months at 1 min. logging interval; parallel printer interface for all PCL3-compatible printers
CO2 module:
extended CO2 range from 0 to 20%
Premium module:
includes Comfort, Hygiene, Communication and CO2module (impossible in combination with O2 module)
control of oxygen concentration by N2 inlet, adjustment range 1% bis 20% O2, setting accuracy 0,1%
Combination O2 module with Comfort and Premium module impossible