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Humidity Chambers HCP

The Memmert humidity chamber HCP - This climate chamber offers a full range of comfort, reliability and safety. This humidity chamber is ideally suited for environmental testing, environmental simulation, accelerated service life tests and 85/85 tests according to IEC 60068-2-67 and IEC 60068-2-78.
The active humidity control is the guarantee for ideal homogeneity of temperature and humidity as well as for short recovery times after opening the door. In combination with heating on all six sides, including heated inner glass door, it also minimises vaporisation in the interior and thus the risk of condensed water dripping onto the test object. An aluminium thermal conductive layer supports optimum temperature distribution and serves as a heat accumulator in case of a temporary power failure.

Model variant TwinDISPLAY: ControlCOCKPIT with two colour displays
You can find a detailed description of the "TwinDISPLAY" model at

Setting range active humidity control:20 to 95 % rh
Setting accurate humidity:0.5 % rh
Working temperature range:at least 7 °C above ambient up to +90 °C
Setting temperature range:+18 °C to +90 °C
Setting accurate temperature:0.1 °C
Power supply:230 V, 50/60 Hz
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