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Microcarrier Spinner Flask Magna Flex™

    Celstir® and Magna Flex™ spinner flasks from WHEATON® are high-quality products designed for long life, high efficiency and low maintenance. Celstir® spinner flasks are the ideal environment for culturing / growing a wide variety of cells, such as insect cells, hybridomas and many other suspension adapted cells. Magna Flex™ flasks are suitable for microcarrier cultures. Celstir® and Magna Flex™ flasks are produced from autoclavable, Type I borosilicate glass. WHEATON® spinner flasks can be used on all magnetic stirrers.

    Scope of supply: Flask, stirring unit with lid and lids for side arms.
    -Designed for microcarrier cultures with a magnetic stirrer
    • Gentle stirring action provided by a bulb-shaped glass impeller
    • 1:1 headspace ratio for ideal gas exchange
    • Autoclavable borosilicate glass that conforms to USP Type I and ASTM E 438 Type I, Class A requirements

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