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Deioniser, behropur®

behropur® mixed-bed ion exchangers deliver de-ionized water according to Grade 3 of the ISO 3696 standard, -Water for analytical laboratory use;
Specification and test methods.
The resins inside the behropur® ion exchangers are of certified quality.
The completely equal distribution of water inside the ion exchanger leads to the maximum utilization of the exchange capacity of the unit. Thus the user benefits from very low conductance water throughout the life cycle of each exchanger charge.
Heavy-walled, robust and practical mixed bed deioniser in blue polyethylene with free flow output to the reservoir. Also ideal for the post desalination of reverse osmosis systems or for aquariums.

  • Can be directly connected to the water supply and is immediately ready for operation.
  • Automatic venting as water is supplied from below.
  • Minimal risk of contamination due to slotted filter in the raw water inlet.
  • Nozzles are durable and easy to clean. Highly resistant to abrasion or shocks.
  • Extremely sturdy, heavy-duty nozzle welding by the manufacturer's own welding process.
  • Resistivity meter fitted.
  • B5 and B10 can also be used as wall mounted devices (wall mounting included).
  • Also available with water quality cut-out and solenoid valve which engages if specified limits are exceeded and reservoir level control.
  • Resistivity control available directly on the unit or remotely at any location.

Output data:B5 / B10
Cation exchange capacity* at 10°dH:
Flow max.:
500 L / 1000 L
50 / 100 L/hr.
16 / 21 cm
53 / 63 cm
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