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Reverse osmosis system, LaboStar™ 10 RO DI

The LaboStar™ RO DI series produce high quality water with very low energy consumption. The use of "low energy" membranes enable a very efficient and economical operation. All LaboStar™ RO DI systems are equipped with a built-in 7 l storage tank. Pure water is collected in the tank and is recirculated by an integrated pump. LaboStar™ RO DI is equipped with a final DI cartridge. This cartridge polishes the RO water to Type II quality < 0.1 µS/cm. The unit offers two extraction ports: water can be extracted under pressure from the Point-of-use dispenser or from the outlet on the back of the unit. Optionally, a charged 0.2 µm sterile filter at the dispenser can be used to remove bacteria and endotoxins. An uncharged 0.2 µm sterile filter is also available. The 7 l storage tank capacity can be increased by an additional 30 or 60l tank. Pure water is collected in the tank and is recirculated by an integrated pump. LaboStar™ RO DI systems are delivered with the first set of all modules and filters required for immediate operation.

  • Pure water circulation right into the dispenser head
  • Easy to dispense water using the practical dispenser
  • 0.2 µm sterile filter with or without endotoxinretention as availableoption
  • Whisper operation mode
  • Rapid and simple disinfection
  • Conductivity monitoring of RO and DI water
  • Easy module exchange via quick-release connections
  • Small and compact

Permeate production rate at 15°C:10 l/h
Permeat conductivity:
Bacteria:1 KbE/ml (with a 0.2 µm sterile filter)
Particle >0.2:< 1 per ml
Feed water conductivity:< 2000 µS/cm
Silt densitiy index SDI:< 3
Dimensions (W x D x H):290 x 400 x 535 mm
Power supply:100-240 V, 50/60 Hz
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